What I Know

Thursday, November 4, 2010

  1. Wilson's stance towards the war was one that preferred neutrality, and also preferred that the US be unaffected by blockades, et cetera.
  2. It was difficult for the US to maintain neutrality because of racial ties to other nations, e.g. Germany, Italy, Britain; and because of the large amount of profit wartime trade generated.
  3. One group that criticized Wilson wanted him to go to war in response to the sinking of the Lusitania. The other group thought Wilson's insistence of retaining free trade with the warring nations would eventually drag him into the war.
  4. Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare after Wilson told them not to do so, and also sent an infamous telegram, the Zimmerman Telegram, which prompted Mexico to be a distraction to the US by declaring war on the US, which would prevent the US from deploying annihilating, fatal blow, shoot first and take names later, troops to Europe. Obviously this pissed off Americans, which probably isn't ever a good idea, but proved fatal to the Triple Alliance.

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